Monday 11 February 2013

What’s Your Poker Face?

Today you don’t see many girls playing poker on a regular basis. I actually went out and asked a few people if they knew how to play poker, and if they would play it on a regular basis. Less than 10% of the girls said they knew how to play, and would only play if they knew they would win money. What would they use the money for? Textbooks for school and new clothes.
Ladies… You’re giving us a bad name. Stop falling into that stereotypical category and go live, I promise it’s not hard at all.
Back to poker! After the mini survey of people, almost every single guy knew how to play. They said they would play it competitively or just casually at a party.
I think it’s actually really interesting that a non-physical competitive game is so popular.
Know what I love about poker? The rush of winning, seeing people get so mad when they lose and just proving that I’m better at something than guys (Bwe he he he).  Every time I play, I don’t just play to win. I play to in enough times to rub it in their face forever.  Now what happens when I lose? Then oh well, must be beginners luck for you!

Monday 4 February 2013

Bringing Spoons to the Superbowl.

After screaming at the TV for hours on end, I think it's safe to say I don't think my love for sports has faded away. If you didn't watch the Superbowl, it was mostly just men in tight pants running around, Alicia Keys and her never ending national anthem, coaches (who that I might add are brothers...that's going to be an awkward Christmas...), Beyonce proving motherhood - ain't nobody got time for that, a huge power outage, and the most stressful four seconds of your life.
Spoiler alert: The Ravens won!  :D

So let me break this down for you, from my angle... Food. Food everywhere. It was beautiful. Now I was cheering for the Ravens because even though the 49er's are a second half team, it just doesn't work like that in the Superbowl. I guess they folded under the pressure, but they did try. I felt kind of bad afterwards when they were just sitting on the sidelines and the paper confetti was raining down from the sky.
The Superbowl was as fun to watch as the commercials, like always! (Although they could have been done a lot better.)  I had a lot of fun yelling at the television, as if it knew why the ball was fumbled. If you didn't watch the epic sports event, you need to mark your calender for next year, because I'm sure it will be just as amazing as this year.